With electric cars and smart homes on the rise in America, it would seem that the technology of tomorrow is finally becoming a reality today. But with such a reliance on fossil fuels and gas for energy, the tech world and the energy world seem to be at a stalemate with how to properly power the technology we’ll need in the future. After all, with a climate crisis on the horizon, the future must be met with responsibility as much as efficiency in the modern era.

That’s where solar power comes into the mix.

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), solar power produced 17 billion dollars for the American economy in 2017 alone. With economists and scientists alike agreeing on solar’s promising opportunities for America in the coming decade, consumers are beginning to realign their perspectives on how to implement the most efficient and cost-effective energy alternatives at home. 

But what can you do to cash in on solar while joining the fight against climate change? Here are the first three steps you can take right at home:

1. Rooftop installations. It may seem the most obvious, but installing residential solar panels onto your roof at home is the most effective way to save on your energy bill while cutting down on your emissions. Along with your normal energy savings, many states have solar subsidies you can cash in on to help take the financial bite out of your installation. It’s a win-win! Take a brief questionnaire to find out if your home is eligible: https://solarmagazine.org/solar-calculator/

2. Solar lights. Want to cut down on your electricity bills but still have a nicely lit porch, walkway, garage, or backyard? Look no further than solar powered outdoor lights. These lights come standard with weather-resistant solar panels that charge during the day and light up your property for free at night.

3. Solar powered gadgets. Thanks to new charges, your on-the-go gadgets can now be powered by the sun instead of batteries or electrical outlets. Solar bricks like these are helping techies everywhere keep their juices charged strictly from the sun.

These are just the beginning of the changes you can make to switch to renewable energy across the board, and with solar power becoming more prominent than ever, you can expect to see more in the not-so-distant future. 

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https://amzn.to/2OLxrsE https://amzn.to/2GWXtCW

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