Good news is coming for solar energy storage, and this time it’s coming with a new Senate bill recently released called The American Energy Innovation Act (AEIA).  Over a year of hearings, negotiations, and political glad-handing has produced a bill seeking to “modernize domestic energy laws” and ensure the US becomes the worldwide leader in clean energy investment.

Despite the fact that US senators annually receive over $14 million in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry, the AEIA is sponsored by more than 60 Senators from both parties. This is an unprecedented move toward clean energy from the governing body currently known for blocking progressive bills.

But clean energy is beginning to transcend political parties as fossil fuel industries die and solar becomes more affordable than traditional energy sources. Included in the bill, beyond the expected support for solar technology and efficiency growth, are stipulations for carbon capture, vehicle upgrades, and most interestingly, energy storage.

The US government has had their eye on clean energy storage for quite some time now, and recently, government incentives and private investors have paved the way for the future of solar energy storage.

In fact, two months ago the U.S. Secretary of Energy announced their own program meant to increase the growth rate of electrical energy storage. The goal of the program, according to the Secretary, is to better position the U.S. as leaders in innovative battery development and separate our dependence from foriegn energy suppliers by 2030.

It’s long been discussed that the biggest downside of solar is the ability to store all of the energy that panels generate during the day; however, that too is changing with U.S. and business investments in battery development increasing exponentially.

With clean energy technology, utility companies, independent business developers and the U.S. government all teaming up to boost solar energy, it’s only a matter of time before U.S. energy is transformed into a more affordable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly environment.

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